Package 'ClinicalTrialSummary'

Title: Summary Measures for Clinical Trials with Survival Outcomes
Description: Provides estimates of several summary measures for clinical trials including the average hazard ratio, the weighted average hazard ratio, the restricted superiority probability ratio, the restricted mean survival difference and the ratio of restricted mean times lost, based on the short-term and long-term hazard ratio model (Yang, 2005 <doi:10.1093/biomet/92.1.1>) which accommodates various non-proportional hazards scenarios. The inference procedures and the asymptotic results for the summary measures are discussed in Yang (2018, <doi:10.1002/sim.7676>).
Authors: Daewoo Pak and Song Yang
Maintainer: Daewoo Pak <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Version: 1.1.1
Built: 2025-01-24 02:37:44 UTC

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Summary Measures for Clinical Trials with Survival Outcomes


ClinicalTrialSummary provides estimates of several summary measures of the treatment effect for design and analysis of clinical trials with survival outcomes, introduced in Yang (2018). These estimates are obtained under the short-term and long-term hazard ratio model (Yang and Prentice, 2005) which allows a range of time-varying hazard ratio shapes including crossing hazards situations.

Let hr(x)=λt(x)/λc(x)hr(x) = \lambda_{t}(x)/\lambda_{c}(x) be the hazard ratio function, where λt(x)\lambda_{t}(x) and λc(x)\lambda_{c}(x) are the hazard functions for the treatment group and the control group, respectively. The main function of the package, ypsummary, provides following five summary measures:

  • the average hazard ratio (AHR): hr(x)dx\int hr(x) dx

  • the weighted average hazard ratio (WAHR): hr(x)dw(x)\int hr(x) dw(x) where dw(x)=dFc(x)/Fc(τ)dw(x) = dF_c(x)/F_c(\tau)

  • the restricted superiority probability ratio (RSPR): Sc(x)dFt(x)St(x)dFc(x)\frac{\int S_c(x) dF_t(x)}{\int St(x) dF_c(x)}

  • the restricted mean survival difference (RMSD): St(x)dxSc(x)dx\int S_t(x) dx - \int S_c(x) dx

  • the ratio of restricted mean times lost (RRMTL): τSt(x)dxτSc(x)dx\frac{\tau - \int S_t(x) dx}{\tau - \int S_c(x) dx}

Note that all integrals are taken over (0,τ)(0, \tau) for τ\tau less than or equal to the maximum follow-up duration of the trial. The asymptotic results for the average hazard ratio and the restricted mean survival difference were established in Yang and Prentice (2011) and Yang (2013), respectively. For other measures, the asymptotic results were established in Yang (2018).

The data used as an example in this package was from Gastrointestinal Tumor Study Group (1982) and the object returned by ypsummary can be formatted to a table using the function summary.


Package: ClinicalTrialSummary
Type: Package
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2018-12-19
License: GPL (>= 3)


Daewoo Pak and Song Yang


Yang, S. (2018). Improving testing and description of treatment effect in clinical trials with survival outcomes. Statistics in medicine.

Yang S, and Ross L. Prentice (2005). Semiparametric analysis of short-term and long-term hazard ratios with two-sample survival data. Biometrika, 92.1:1-17.

Yang S, and Ross L. Prentice (2011). Estimation of the 2-sample hazard ratio function using a semiparametric model. Biostatistics, 12.2:354-368.

Yang S. (2013). Semiparametric inference on the absolute risk reduction and the restricted mean survival difference in clinical trials. Special issue on risk assessment. Lifetime Data analysis, 19:219-241.

Gastrointestinal Tumor Study Group (1982). A comparison of combination chemotherapy and combined modality therapy for locally advanced gastric carcinoma. Cancer.

See Also



	result <- ypsummary(time=ggas$time, event=ggas$event, group=ggas$group, tau = 8.2)

Internal Functions for Summary Measures for Clinical Trials with Survival Outcomes


Internal functions for the ClinicalTrialSummary package.

Data from Gastrointestinal Tumor Study Group (1982)


The Gastrointestinal Tumor Study Group (1982) compared chemotherapy with combined chemotherapy and radiation therapy, in the treatment of locally unresectable gastric cancer. Each treatment arm had 45 patients, with two observations of the chemotherapy group and six of the combination group censored. The plot of Kaplan-Meier survival curves show that the two curves cross at around 1000 days.




The data has the following information for the ninety subjects:


the vector for the pooled lifetimes of the two groups


the numeric vector of the right-censoring indicator (event = 1, censored = 0)


the numeric vector of the group indicator (treatment = 1, control = 0)


Gastrointestinal Tumor Study Group (1982). A comparison of combination chemotherapy and combined modality therapy for locally advanced gastric carcinoma. Cancer.

See Also




The main function of the package provides five summary measures of the treatment effect for clinical trials.


ypsummary provides estimates of several summary measures of the treatment effect for design and analysis of clinical trials with survival outcomes, introduced in Yang (2018). The function utilizes the short-term and long-term hazard ratio model proposed in Yang and Prentice (2005), which can acccomodate various nonproportional hazard scenarios. The asymptotic properties of the summary measures are also discussed in Yang and Prentice (2011), Yang (2013), and Yang (2018).


## Default S3 method:
ypsummary(time, event, group, tau, alpha = 0.05, tie = TRUE, 
    bound = 50, repnum = 2000, ...)



for S4 method only.


A numeric vector of observations pooled from the two groups


A numeric vector of the right-censoring indicator (event = 1, censored = 0)


A numeric vector of the group indicator (treatment = 1, control = 0)


the upper end of the range used in defining the summary measures. Must be user-specified.


Significance level. The default value is 0.05.


The default is TRUE. Add very tiny values to the observations when sorting them to avoid ties.


A boundary (-bound, bound) for estimating the parameters in the short-term and long-term hazard ratio model (Yang and Prentice, 2005). These parameters are β1\beta_1 and β2\beta_2 in their notations. The default boundary is (50,50)(-50, 50).


the number of replications for the resampling method in obtaining the limiting variance estimators of the measures. The default value is 2000.


The function ypsummary provides five summary measures of the treatment effect (see, Yang 2018), which can be utilized for various nonproportional haards scenarios:

  • the average hazard ratio (AHR): hr(x)dx\int hr(x) dx

  • the weighted average hazard ratio (WAHR): hr(x)dw(x)\int hr(x) dw(x) where dw(x)=dFc(x)/Fc(τ)dw(x) = dF_c(x)/F_c(\tau)

  • the restricted superiority probability ratio (RSPR): Sc(x)dFt(x)St(x)dFc(x)\frac{\int Sc(x) dF_t(x)}{\int S_t(x) dF_c(x)}

  • the restricted mean survival difference (RMSD): St(x)dxSc(x)dx\int S_t(x) dx - \int S_c(x) dx

  • the ratio of restricted mean times lost (RRMTL): τSt(x)dxτSc(x)dx\frac{\tau - \int S_t(x) dx}{\tau - \int S_c(x) dx}

where hr(x)hr(x) is the hazard ratio of the treatment group over the control group, Ft(x)F_t(x) and Fc(x)F_c(x) are the distribution functions for the treatment group and control group, respectively, and St(x)=1Ft(x)S_t(x) = 1 - F_t(x) and Sc(x)=1Fc(x)S_c(x) = 1 - F_c(x). Note that all integrals are taken from 0 to τ\tau.



The point estimate for the corresponding summary meausure


The confidence interval constructed by a re-sampling method. If the measure is a ratio, the z-value is the standardized log of the estimate. If the measure is a difference, the z-value is the standardized estimate.


Normally distributed value derived from the asymptotic results


the (two-sided) p-value using z-value


Yang, S. (2018). Improving testing and description of treatment effect in clinical trials with survival outcomes. Statistics in medicine.

Yang S, and Ross L. Prentice (2005). Semiparametric analysis of short-term and long-term hazard ratios with two-sample survival data. Biometrika, 92.1:1-17.

Yang S, and Ross L. Prentice (2011). Estimation of the 2-sample hazard ratio function using a semiparametric model. Biostatistics, 12.2:354-368.

Yang S. (2013). Semiparametric inference on the absolute risk reduction and the restricted mean survival difference in clinical trials. Special issue on risk assessment. Lifetime Data analysis, 19:219-241.


time <- ggas$time
event <- ggas$event
group <- ggas$group
result <- ypsummary(time, event, group, tau=8.2) # tau must be supplied.